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Loddington WI have just the recipe

Here at SVP we have never shied away from doing difficult things so that our clients don’t have to. You may remember before Christmas, we were taste testing Stollen in time for your Christmas food shopping. We had almost completed our complex scoring chart – despite the cost to our waistlines – when the whole heroic endeavour was almost derailed by Loddington WI.

The lovely ladies there have created a locally sourced recipe book, to support their national “Great Food Debate”. The book sports an innovative and practical format plus clear instructions for many delicious recipes.

We received a unexpected thank you Chocolate Cake from the ladies, for delivering the job with a smile, on time and on budget. As we are very partial to homemade sweet treats this was more than welcome. Even though it almost became the dark horse in our Stollen race, the judges disallowed it on the grounds of “not being stollen”. Sad, really, as it would have swept the board – homemade, with love, really is better!

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