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Starting a takeaway service? 10 things to include on your takeaway menu!

Updated: Nov 18, 2020

Are you a restaurant, pub or café, struggling to generate new business

as a result of COVID-19?

Are you looking for innovative ways to adapt to the current climate?

Why not start a takeaway service? Delivering your food directly to your customers doors, is a fantastic way to ensure you’re still able to reach your customers,

despite current Government guidelines.

To help you get started, we’ve comprised a list of our top 10 things to include on your takeaway menu. Read on, to find out more:

1. Your Logo

Vital for establishing a strong brand identity, your logo should take pride of place on the front cover of your takeaway menu. Your logo should encapsulate everything that your business offers and therefore it’s vital that you get it designed properly and professionally.

2. Food Image

What’s a takeaway service, without the food?

A clear, professional shot of your appetising food offerings is a great way to encourage your customers to place an order. Choose your most attractive dish and present it well. Place the subject in good light and arm yourself with your best camera. Including your shot on the front of your menu is key to securing a great first impression.

3. Special Discounts

Discounts are a great way to appeal to your specific customer markets. If you’re your primary target audience is students, offering them a rolling discount is a fantastic way to ensure they keep coming back for more.

Top Tip: If you are including your offer on the front page, be cautious about how much information you’re providing. Keep it clean and fresh – you don’t want to overfill your front page!

4. Your Products

Dividing your products into clear headings, noting the product name, description size and price, ensures your menu is user-friendly. Space is of the essence in takeaway menus is off the essence and you certainly don’t want to clutter it with unnecessary information.

Top Tip: Select a few of the best photos, of your most popular dishes and run these along the bottom of your menu. This is a great way to boost your menu’s visual appeal.

5. Call to Action

A call to action is vital for ensuring your clients place an order. Using a clear, bold text that simply reads ‘order online’ or ‘call us to place your order’ ensures your clients know how to place an order.

Top Tip: Don’t forget to include your web address and telephone number, or else your clients won’t know who to contact!

6. Opening times

Stating your opening times, on the back of your menu, lets your clients know when they can place their order. They’ll want to know if they can order now or if they’ll have to wait.

If you’ve changed your opening times due to the COVID-19 outbreak, draw attention to this! It’s likely that your regular customers won’t take notice, unless they’re notified that there’s been a change.

7. Delivery information

If you deliver free within a certain radius, let your customers know! This could be an incentive for them to buy from you.

Top Tip: If your taking precautions, as a result of COVID-19 (e.g leaving deliveries on doorsteps), note this in this section. This is vital for reassuring your customers.

8. Contact details

Listing your contact details, address and full postcode allows your customers to know where they need to go to collect from you, and also enables them to contact you with specific requirements.

9. Terms and Conditions

Providing a short disclaimer, that clarifies any confusion over deals, delivery, prices etc. can ensure that your business is protected.

10. Payment options

The simplest way to display your payment options is through use of logos. A simple line illustrating the credit/debit card logo is sufficient to show the payment methods you accept.

How can we help?

With many restaurants, cafes, and pubs turning to offer a takeaway service, we would love to help you with your printed communications. We can offer a full design and/or print service for a wide variety of different menu formats.

To find out more about the different menu options we can offer, check out our range of flyers and leaflets.

Alternatively, if you’re looking to advertise your new services outside your shop, we can also produce a wide range of temporary signage and PVC banners. Perfect for communicating the message to your clients.

Whatever your requirements, we’d be happy to help!

Don’t hesitate to contact us by emailing or call us on 0116 259 9955. We’re always ready to get the conversation started.

1 Comment

Dec 31, 2020

Good afternoon.

I run a pub, Now with a New tier system I can only serve takeaway.

looking at your website has inspired me so I look forward to Idea‘s and support to further my business as I am want to become unstoppable in my business because I believe I can make it work.

kind Regards


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